Tanzanian Minister Unveils 2024/2025 Budget, Calls for Strategic Investment Allocation

Date: May 2, 2024

Location: Dodoma, Tanzania

In a detailed parliamentary address on May 2, 2024, Hon. Hussein Mohamed Bashe, the Tanzanian Minister of Agriculture, presented the Ministry’s budget estimates for the fiscal year 2024/2025. The session was marked by the Minister’s comprehensive acknowledgment of the international and domestic organizations that have bolstered Tanzania’s agricultural sector.

During his speech, Minister Bashe expressed gratitude towards a wide array of supporting organizations, including prominent financial institutions like the World Bank, African Development Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. Additionally, he recognized contributions from the African Union, International Fund for Agricultural Development, UNDP, FAO, JICA, European Union, UNICEF, World Food Programme, ENABEL, USAID, KOICA, and several others.

Key research and development institutions such as ICRAF, AGRA, IITA, IRRI, ILRI, and CABI were acknowledged for their technical support. Minister Bashe also highlighted regional collaborations with EAC, ILO, ASARECA, CCARDESA, SADC, and SAGCOT, which have played significant roles in regional agricultural initiatives.

The address further mentioned specific efforts to combat desert locusts through partnerships with organizations like DLCO-EA and IRLCO-CSA. Philanthropic support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Gatsby Trust, TAHA, Rockefeller Foundation, Aga Khan Foundation, Unilever, and many NGOs which could not all be named, were also recognized for their substantial contributions.

Minister Bashe emphasized the strategic allocation of investments, urging development partners to prepare for the signing of a ‘compact’ with an 80% focus on infrastructure and 20% on capacity building. This approach aims to ensure a balanced enhancement of Tanzania’s agricultural infrastructure and capabilities.

The budget announcement underscores Tanzania’s dedication to fostering a robust and sustainable agricultural future through strategic partnerships and careful planning of resource allocation.


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