Tanzania Unveils 22-Member Committee to Draft Vision 2050, Aiming for National Consensus and Development

The Government of Tanzania, through Professor Kitila Mkumbo, Minister of State in the President’s Office for Planning and Investment, has announced the formation of a 22-member committee tasked with drafting the nation’s Vision 2050. This committee, led by Prof. Lucian Ambrose, consists of a diverse group of 8 women and 14 men, including prominent academicians, government officials, and representatives from the private sector and civil society. The committee’s mandate is to foster a participatory approach in creating a vision that encapsulates the aspirations and developmental goals of Tanzania, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive roadmap for the nation’s future. This initiative reflects the government’s commitment to building a national consensus on Tanzania’s strategic direction, leveraging expertise across various sectors to shape a sustainable and prosperous future.:

  1. Prof. Lucian Ambrose (Lead) – Emeritus Professor at the University of Dar es Salaam.
  2. Prof. Joseph J. Semboja – Former Executive Director of REPOA and Uongozi Institute.
  3. Dr. Asha Rose Migiro – Diplomat, Former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations.
  4. Dr. Florence M. Turuka – Senior Lecturer at Sokoine University, Former Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture.
  5. Dr. Amina Suleman Msengwa – Senior Lecturer Specializing in Statistics, University of Dar es Salaam.
  6. Aidan Frederick Eyakuze – Executive Director of Twaweza East Africa.
  7. Dr. Yahya Hamad Sheikh – Senior Lecturer in Information Technologies, State University of Zanzibar (SUZA).
  8. Dr. Maryam Vuai – Economist, Zanzibar Research for Socio-Economic and Policy Analysis (ZRCP).
  9. Abdul Rajabu Mhinte – Official, President’s Office.
  10. Emmy Kalomba Hudson – Principal State Attorney.
  11. Dr. Ntuli Angyelile Kapologwe – Director of Preventive Services, Ministry of Health.
  12. Godfrey Kirenga – Chief Executive Officer, SAGCOT Centre Ltd.
  13. Eng. Ally Bondo Samaje – Assistant Commissioner, Ministry of Minerals.
  14. Dr. Richard Joseph Kimwaga – Senior Lecturer in Water Resources Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam.
  15. Dr. Richard Shukia – Senior Lecturer and Expert in Early Childhood Education, University of Dar es Salaam.
  16. Dr. Gladness Ladislaus Salema – Public Health Logistician, Senior Lecturer, University of Dar es Salaam.
  17. Imani Richard Nkuwi – Assistant Conservation Commissioner, Ministry of Tourism and Natural Resources.
  18. Amne Sued Kagasheki – Lawyer and Investment Advisor, Shikana Group.
  19. Zahoro Muhaji – Chief Executive Officer, Tanzania Startup Association (TSA).
  20. Neema Mduma – Lecturer, School of Computational and Communication Sciences and Engineering, Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology.
  21. Dorice Mgetta – Member, Board of Directors, Tanzania Trade Authority.
  22. Lawrence N. Mafuru – Executive Secretary, Planning Commission.

This committee comprises 8 women and 14 men, with 40% of the members being academicians from various universities in Tanzania. The committee also includes members from civil society, the private sector, and government. Their primary role is to coordinate, collect, and analyze public views on Vision 2050, aiming to build a national consensus on the country’s direction through a participatory vision drafting process.

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