Tanzania tops bean production in Africa – Hussein Bashe

By AJM Muchoki

Tanzania produces an estimated 1.2 million tons of common beans annually, making the country the top bean producer in Africa and seventh globally, according to the Minister for Agriculture, Hon Hussein Bashe.

 “Close to 6 million households in rural Tanzania depend on beans for their daily food, with per capita bean consumption estimated at 20 kg per person per year,” he said during the 12th AGRF SUMMIT.

 According to the Minister, about 48 per cent of bean production is sold to her neighbouring countries (such as Burundi, DRC, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, and Zambia). “The quantity exported has been growing at an average annual rate of 10 per cent since 2005. The trade potential in the Tanzania yellow bean corridor exceeds USD200million per year from about 200,000MT of yellow beans,” he noted.

He noted that “common bean plays a key role in the livelihoods of smallholder farmers as a food and nutrition security crop and a source of income. It is the leading legume crop, accounting for 78% of the land area cultivated with legumes.”

“Overall, the support to bean work in Tanzania has seen an increase in bean yield from 0.48tons/ha in 2003 to 1.34tons/ha in 2020. This has resulted in increased bean production from about 333,000 tons to over 943,000 tons over the same period. This has contributed to enhanced food security and incomes for smallholder farmers in Tanzania,” he added.

Acciording to the minister about 48 percent of bean production is sold to neighboring countries including Burundi, DRC, Kenya, Malawi Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, and Zambia.

” The quantity exported has been growing at an average annual rate of 10 percent since 2005.  The trade potential in the Tanzania yellow bean corridor exceeds USD200million per year from about 200,000MT of yellow beans.”

Read abridged version of Hon Bashe’s speech.

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