Tanzania Takes Center Stage at AGRF to Showcase Commitment Towards Regional Food Security

Tanzania hopes to make a significant impact and solidify its position as a key player in the region’s agricultural landscape. Vianey Rweyendela, the Country Manager of AGRA Tanzania, highlights the nation’s readiness with insightful words that echo their dedication to agricultural transformation.

Mkulima Akiongeza Tija – Increasing productivity for farmers directly boosts their competitiveness. It’s clear that the productivity growth is linked to the expansion of inclusive markets, just like the success of Mama Seki’s cooperative in Iringa showcases,” says Vianey Rweyendela.

With a focus on empowerment, Rweyendela emphasizes, “Usaidizi wa Ushauri wa Kitaalam – Our pride lies in the expert advice and financial resources we receive from partners like AGRA. This support enables us to establish robust relationships in the agricultural value chain, connecting buyers, processors, and smallholder farmers.”

Rweyendela continues, “Kazi Yetu Kubwa Pamoja na Wadau Wenzetu – Collaboratively, our mission in this region is to enhance the infrastructure that facilitates access for smallholder farmers, including youth and women. Through their associations, we equip them with the skills to adopt and utilize recommended technologies, thereby boosting both production and secure market access.”

While acknowledging ongoing challenges, Rweyendela highlights the pivotal role of investment, stating, “Bado Changamoto Ipo – Challenges persist, especially in information dissemination. Investments via partners like AGRA and AHIDI program aim to amplify innovative solutions, focusing on areas like digitization, seed systems, and market access for entrepreneurs.”

Rweyendela underlines, “Msukumo Mkubwa Unahitajika – A significant push is required to ensure effective utilization of technology by youth and women, especially in aspects like threshing and post-harvest technologies, which promise assured income.”

Sisi Tunalo Jukumu – We are responsible for rallying support from development partners like AGRA. As business stakeholders, we believe that commercialising and operationalising agricultural activities within a business framework are key to empowering individuals for self-reliance,” asserts Rweyendela.

Speaking of agro-dealers, Rweyendela explains, “Harbour Agro-Dealers – These major distributors of agricultural inputs such as ALPHA and IWAWA benefit from our infrastructure enhancement through the VBA model. This model nurtures service providers at the village level, facilitating direct relationships between agro-dealers and farmers, leading to precise supply and demand of inputs.”

Rweyendela emphasizes the significance of the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT), saying, “Kwenye Ukanda Huu wa Nyanda za Juu Kusini – The SAGCOT zone is a pivotal area for our food security, being a major producer of grains and staples. Our investment efforts are concentrated here, focusing on technology adoption, quality awareness, seed systems, and extension services.”

Guiding their efforts is the ASDP II roadmap, as Rweyendela clarifies, “Roadmap au Kitu Kinachotupa Dira – Our initiatives align with the Agricultural Sector Development Program II (ASDP II) as a guiding principle. AGRA is a significant player in this regard, emphasizing innovative solutions that are in line with ASDP II, ensuring meaningful contributions to Tanzania’s agricultural journey.”

With Vianey Rweyendela’s words reflecting Tanzania’s determination, the country is all set to impress attendees at AGRF and demonstrate their readiness to play a vital role in enhancing food security across Africa. Visitors are invited to witness firsthand the strides Tanzania has made in agricultural transformation and its commitment to being a part of the region’s food security solution.

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