Tanzania Sets to Sign CAADP Agreement, Boosting Agricultural Sector Through Private Sector Collaboration

Honorable Deputy Speaker, in consideration of the agreement reached by the Ministers of African Countries when they met in Maputo, Mozambique, in 2003, and adopted the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), the Ministry, in implementing the ASDP, has met the criteria of CAADP and thus expects to sign a memorandum of understanding demonstrating that Tanzania has met the CAADP criteria. The signing is expected to take place at the beginning of July 2010.

Honorable Deputy Speaker, furthermore, the implementation of the Kilimo Kwanza (Agriculture First) initiative has begun to be supported by the private sector within and outside Tanzania following the World Economic Forum held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on May 5-7, 2010. As a result of this meeting, companies such as Unilever, YARA, DUPONT, SAB-Miller, General Mills, Syngenta, Monsanto, and the AGRA Organization have agreed with Tanzania to initiate various agricultural projects in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT). The first meeting with the aim of preparing a preliminary document for the implementation of SAGCOT took place in Dodoma on June 8, 2010, and was attended by representatives of the private sector from within and outside the country.

Honorable Deputy Speaker, the implementation of the Agricultural Sector Development Programme (ASDP) for the year 2010/2011 will be the fifth year of the ASDP’s implementation. This program also implements the policy of decentralization by devolution to the citizens.

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