Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC) Launches New Transportation and Storage Services for Fresh Produce

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – The Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC) has introduced a comprehensive new service to enhance the transportation and storage of fresh produce, including vegetables and fruits. This initiative is expected to significantly benefit farmers and traders by providing a reliable and cost-effective means to transport their goods to key markets nationwide.

The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) Centre welcomes the Tanzania Railways Corporation’s (TRC) new initiative to enhance the transportation and storage of fresh produce. This development is a significant step forward in supporting our farmers and traders, ensuring their products reach key markets efficiently and in optimal condition. The reliable and cost-effective logistics solution provided by TRC aligns perfectly with SAGCOT’s mission to boost agricultural productivity and market access in Tanzania. We look forward to seeing the positive impact this will have on the agricultural value chain and the livelihoods of our farming communities.

The new service offers competitive rates for transporting fresh produce from various locations to Dodoma and Dar es Salaam, both by wagon and by container. The pricing for transportation services is as follows:

Transportation Rates (TZS):

  • From Morogoro:
    • To Dodoma (by wagon): 2,376,874
    • To Dar es Salaam (by wagon): 2,249,316
    • To Dodoma (by container): 3,780
    • To Dar es Salaam (by container): 3,780
  • From Mikumi:
    • To Dodoma (by wagon): 2,331,886
    • To Dar es Salaam (by wagon): 2,243,506
    • To Dodoma (by container): 3,752
    • To Dar es Salaam (by container): 3,764
  • From Kilosa:
    • To Dodoma (by wagon): 2,298,316
    • To Dar es Salaam (by wagon): 2,240,308
    • To Dodoma (by container): 3,752
    • To Dar es Salaam (by container): 3,752
  • From Mizaganza:
    • To Dodoma (by wagon): 2,249,505
    • To Dar es Salaam (by wagon): 2,225,068
    • To Dodoma (by container): 3,730
    • To Dar es Salaam (by container): 3,752
  • From Gulwe:
    • To Dodoma (by wagon): 2,238,505
    • To Dar es Salaam (by wagon): 2,225,068
    • To Dodoma (by container): 3,729
    • To Dar es Salaam (by container): 3,752
  • From Godegode:
    • To Dodoma (by wagon): 2,690,441
    • To Dar es Salaam (by wagon): 2,523,322
    • To Dodoma (by container): 3,786
    • To Dar es Salaam (by container): 3,786

Additionally, TRC provides storage services for fresh produce, ensuring that the quality of goods is maintained until they reach their final destination. The storage rates are:

Storage Rates (TZS):

  • Electricity: 1,160 (per wagon per day), 3,260 (per container per day)
  • Generator: 2,326,400

The new transportation schedule includes services from Dar es Salaam to Kilosa every Thursday and from Kilosa to Dar es Salaam every Tuesday.

This service is expected to streamline the supply chain for fresh produce, reduce post-harvest losses, and enhance food security in Tanzania. Farmers and traders can now rely on a dependable and efficient logistics solution to reach broader markets.

For more information, visit the TRC website at www.trc.co.tz or contact the TRC customer service hotline at 0800110042. Follow TRC on social media for updates and announcements.

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