Tackling Global Food Security: KENAFF Highlights Role of Smallholder Farmers

NAIROBI, Kenya – The Kenya National Farmers’ Federation (KENAFF) has once again emphasized the significant role smallholder farmers play in bolstering global food systems. Through a statement on their official social media handle, the federation underscored the need to empower these farmers with knowledge and skills, advocating for a shift to climate-smart agricultural practices.

The tweet read, “Smallholder farmers are key to improving our global food systems. Let’s empower them to practice climate-smart agriculture for long-term sustainable benefits.” The Federation further highlighted their commitment by adding, “At @kenaff_farmers, we enhance their knowledge & skills in adopting climate-smart agricultural soil management practices.”

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) refers to a collection of farming practices that are intended to combat the impacts of climate change while ensuring food security and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. This approach not only protects the environment but also ensures sustainable food production for the growing global population.

The Federation’s call to action resonates at a time when the world is grappling with erratic weather patterns, prolonged droughts, and flooding, which threaten food security. By championing the cause of smallholder farmers and providing them with the requisite tools and knowledge, KENAFF aims to ensure the long-term sustainability of agricultural operations in Kenya and beyond.

As smallholder farmers account for a significant portion of food production in many parts of the world, their empowerment can lead to a more resilient and sustainable food system. Moreover, adopting CSA practices not only addresses the challenges posed by climate change but also offers potential economic benefits to farmers through increased yields and reduced input costs.

The KENAFF’s initiative to promote CSA is an integral part of Kenya’s broader strategy to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 2 which aims to “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.”

Stakeholders from various sectors, including government agencies, NGOs, and private enterprises, are expected to collaborate closely with KENAFF in this endeavor. The combined efforts aim to create a more sustainable and resilient agricultural landscape in Kenya and offer a blueprint for other countries to emulate.

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