Silverlands: Advancing Poultry Farming in Tanzania and Beyond

By Elizabeth Shumbusho, Contributor

In Tanzania, Silverlands showcases the transformative power of adopting innovative agricultural techniques and committing to sustainability. Mwanamvua Shamte and Jeremiah Kilato, in their roles as Marketing and National Sales Managers respectively, emphasize that the firm has expanded well beyond traditional poultry farming.

Silverlands serves as a vital educational resource, providing expertise and support to poultry farmers across Tanzania and extending its reach across the East African region.

Jeremiah Kilato, reflecting on the farm’s journey, shared, “For about 10 years, Silverlands has been serving a large part of chicken farmers in Tanzania. As you know, we specialize in three primary chicken products: broilers for meat production, layers for egg production, and our hybrid chickens called SASSO. We provide services throughout Tanzania and even abroad, selling our products in Uganda and Kenya.”

Silverlands is not merely a farm; it’s a comprehensive poultry breeding, training, and production hub that has nurtured the poultry farming landscape in Tanzania for over a decade. With an investment in around 1,000 hectares, the farm boasts meticulously designed infrastructure, including specialized chicken coops, a state-of-the-art hatchery, a dedicated chicken feed production zone, and a pioneering training college. Since its inception in 2016, the training college has educated over 3,700 students, achieving a gender distribution of 58% male and 42% female, underscoring Silverlands’ commitment to inclusive growth and gender equality in agriculture.

Silverlands’ commitment to its mission is evident not only in its product range but also in its extensive outreach and customer-centric policies. The farm provides more than just chicks; it caters to the broader needs of poultry farmers by supplying non-fertile eggs to countries in need of chicks, reinforcing its reputation as a trusted partner across East Africa.

Jeremiah Kilato, National Sales Manager, emphasizes Silverlands’ understanding of the economic challenges local farmers face. “Our chicks and feed have been trusted products for all these 10 years, driving our business growth. We are proud to offer competitive prices for our products, especially chicken feed and chicks, distributed throughout the country. We understand the economic conditions of our breeders and fellow Tanzanians who want to do business. Thus, we have tailored our pricing strategy to match the living conditions of Tanzanians,” Kilato explains.

The farm offers a range of chicken breeds, including Sasso, Broilers, and Layers, at competitive prices tailored to meet the diverse needs of its customers. Silverlands has developed specialized feed regimens for each chicken category, ensuring optimal growth and health. The pricing structure for both chicks and feed is designed with the local economic landscape in mind, making it accessible for farmers at various scales of operation.

Mr. Jeremiah also provided indicative prices for chicks and chicken feed as follows:

  • Chick Prices:
    • Sasso available for 1,600 TSh
    • Broilers available for 1,800 TSh
    • Layers available for 2,700 TSh
  • Chicken Feed Prices:
    • Broiler Starter Crumble: Available at 82,500 TSh for feeding broilers from the first day to 14 days.
    • Broiler Grower Pellets: Available at 77,500 TSh for feeding broilers from the 15th day to the 27th day.
    • Broiler Finisher Pellets: Available at 77,000 TSh for feeding broilers from day 28 to 41.
  • For laying hens:
    • Layers Starter Mash: Available at 78,500 TSh for feeding from the first day to 2 months.
    • Layers Grower Mash: Available at 69,000 TSh for feeding from 2 months to 5 months.
    • Complete Layer Mash: Available at 66,500 TSh for feeding from 5 months onwards.

“The feed for SASSO chickens will depend on their intended use, as they are hybrid. If raised for meat, they should be fed broiler food; if for egg production, then layer food,” Jeremiah stated.

The success story of Silverlands is not just about poultry farming; it’s a narrative of community empowerment, sustainable agricultural practices, and the transformation of the poultry industry in Tanzania and beyond. The farm’s dedication to education and training has created a skilled workforce in the poultry sector, significantly contributing to the local economy and food security.

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