Rockefeller Foundation Pushes for Increased Investment in School Meals at African Development Bank Meeting Reporter

A recent event co-hosted by The Rockefeller Foundation at the African Development Bank (AfDB) annual meeting highlighted the importance of investing in school meal programs across Africa. The event, “Create Fiscal Space for School Meals: Towards Agenda 2063, SDGs and Human Capital Development,” brought together key stakeholders to discuss financing options for these vital programs.

“Every dollar invested in school meals yields a nine-dollar return,” said Betty Kibaara, Director at The Rockefeller Foundation, citing improved cognitive performance, increased attendance, and a boost to local farmers’ markets as key benefits.

Despite the positive impact, millions of children still lack access to school meals. The event focused on bridging this gap, with an estimated 73 million vulnerable children in Africa alone requiring an additional $4.7 billion in annual funding.

Discussions centered on innovative financing mechanisms, including debt swaps, themed bonds, and utilizing climate funds to transition schools to clean cooking technologies. Examples from Bolivia, Guatemala, and India showcased successful models that leverage hydrocarbon taxes, value-added tax (VAT), and education levies to sustainably support school meals programs.

The event also featured insights from prominent figures like former Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete, who emphasized the importance of immediate action. “Africa cannot afford to leave any child behind,” he said, referencing an African proverb: “You cannot tell a hungry child that you gave him food yesterday. Let’s feed our learners today.”

The Rockefeller Foundation joins a growing chorus advocating for increased investment in African school meals. With its potential to improve education, health, and economic outcomes, this approach is gaining traction as a critical strategy for human capital development on the continent.

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