Quincewood Group’s T-HAKIKI Initiative: A Digital Leap Forward for Tanzanian Farmers

Tanzania’s journey towards agricultural transformation has garnered high-level support, with President Samia Suluhu Hassan steering farming towards becoming a more business-oriented venture. In parallel, Agriculture Minister Hussein Bashe has been pivotal in encouraging women and youth to view and engage in agriculture not just as a way of life but as a viable business, emphasizing the importance of digital tools in propelling the sector forward.

Fatma Fernandes, Director of Quincewood Group Limited, has lauded these efforts, highlighting the educational workshops that have been instrumental in teaching farmers about the benefits of digital systems, particularly T-HAKIKI and Digital Agency. These workshops, often conducted in collaboration with the Tanzania Official Seed Certification Institute (TOSCI), have significantly reduced the circulation of counterfeit seeds, thus bolstering the sector’s productivity and reliability.

At the core of this agricultural revolution are Tanzania’s farmers, who contribute significantly to the nation’s GDP and sustain its export economy. Notably, the sector provides employment to a vast majority of Tanzanians. Through innovative tools like T-HAKIKI, developed by Quincewood Group Limited, farmers now have a means to authenticate their inputs, safeguard against counterfeit seeds, obtain these inputs punctually, and gain access to vital information from Extension Officers.

Farmers across the highland regions of Rukwa, Mbeya, Iringa, Morogoro, Njombe, and Ruvuma have adopted T-HAKIKI technology and the Digital Agency approach, showcasing the need to extend these advancements to all corners of the country. Their involvement has shown that embracing technology is not only feasible but beneficial for enhancing productivity and livelihoods.

Participants at the Nanenane Agricultural Exhibition in Mbeya region, such as Innocent Michael from Kasulu District and Justin Kitarima from Kilolo District, are proof of the transformation. These farmers, having received training from T-Hakiki, can now distinguish genuine seeds from fake ones, a skill that enhances crop yields and overall farm performance. They, like many others, utilize simple mobile technology to verify seed quality, a practice that underscores the accessibility and impact of agricultural technology.

These individuals not only benefit from the technology themselves but also serve as a conduit for disseminating knowledge and skills among their peers. Their encouragement for other farmers to engage with T-HAKIKI and Digital Agency demonstrates the potential for collective growth and improvement in the agricultural sector.

Tanzania’s agricultural sector, blessed with vast lands and a favorable climate, offers numerous business opportunities ranging from floriculture to mushroom farming. With such a diverse array of prospects, the country’s commitment to digital innovation and education in agriculture is setting the stage for increased incomes, improved livelihoods, and a future of sustainable growth.

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