Profiles of the 2023 GO-GETTAZ Award Winners

Pelkins Ajanoh from Cameroon

Business: CassVita
Pelkins Ajanoh, the dynamic CEO and co-founder of CassVita, is catalyzing change in Cameroon by extending the shelf-life of cassava, a climate-resilient root, from 3 days to a commendable 18 months. This forward-thinking venture is paving the way for rural farmers to derive more value from their crops, fostering food security amidst the growing concerns of climate change in Africa.

Margaret Wanjiku from Kenya

Business: Pollen Patrollers
Margaret Wanjiku is spearheading a revolutionary approach to beekeeping in Kenya. Through Pollen Patrollers, she is facilitating smarter beekeeping by integrating IoT devices that monitor various hive parameters including temperature, humidity, and queen status. This data-driven approach promises to reshape beekeeping by providing actionable insights and precision pollination maps.

Yohan Gallet from Mauritius

Business: Sealife Organics
Yohan Gallet’s Sealife Organics is taking a stance against the detrimental effects of chemical fertilizers in Mauritius. By leveraging the bounty of the sea, the venture manufactures organic fertilizers from sustainably sourced seaweed and organic waste, fostering a healthier environment for both soil and sea.

Imani Bore from Rwanda

Business: Hatch Plus
With Hatch Plus, Imani Bore is revolutionizing poultry farming in Rwanda. This inventive enterprise offers automated solar hatching stations equipped with AI and computer vision technologies to track egg fertility, promising affordable and healthy chicks for smallholders along with real-time advice to enhance poultry farming practices.

Tafadzwa Ron Chikwereti from Zimbabwe

Business: eAgro
Tafadzwa Ron Chikwereti’s eAgro is reshaping farming in Zimbabwe by incorporating complex technologies into a user-friendly WhatsApp chatbot, CropFix. Through analyzing photos from farmers’ mobile phones, CropFix diagnoses pests and diseases swiftly, offering location-based agronomic advice that removes guesswork from farming.

Patience Ben from Nigeria

Business: Farmavi Agro
Patience Ben’s Farmavi Agro is at the forefront of marrying social impact with agriculture in Nigeria. The initiative creatively upcycles waste materials into food and fertilizers, fostering waste reduction, job creation, and climate change mitigation, particularly empowering women in the process.

Martin Dainbaquee from Sierra Leone

Business: Eco-Friendly Rechargeable Incubator and Local Animal Feed Processing Company
Martin Dainbaquee is breathing new life into Sierra Leone’s poultry industry through innovative high-capacity incubators and specialized chicken breeds. A beacon of hope, this venture promises a consistent supply of quality feed, setting the stage for a rejuvenated and prosperous poultry industry.

Ikenna Nzewi from Nigeria

Business: Relief
Ikenna Nzewi’s Relief is addressing inefficiencies in the food value chain holistically in Nigeria. Using an array of software solutions, Relief coordinates with farmers and food factories to streamline crop purchases and optimize palm nut processing for vegetable oil production, promoting a more cohesive and efficient agricultural sector.

Crescentia Mushobozi from Tanzania

Business: Tanzania Vijana Agribusiness Enterprises (viable)
Crescentia Mushobozi is turning the tide on malnutrition in Tanzania through a pioneering potato strain developed in collaboration with Africa’s largest gene bank. With promising initial yields, this venture is poised to scale, potentially revolutionizing food security in the region.

Patrice Murugi Wachira from Kenya

Business: Patvention
Patrice Murugi Wachira is leading the charge in Kenya to transform plastic waste into innovative beehives. Through Patvention, she’s fostering sustainable beekeeping practices, empowering a new wave of farmers, particularly women, to embrace beekeeping and reap its numerous benefits.

Jennifer Muthike (DUDU MASTERS) from Kenya

Business: Dudu Masters
At the helm of Dudu Masters, Jennifer Muthike is on a mission to restore degraded farmland in Africa. Leveraging the potential of vermicomposting, the venture recycles organic waste into sustainable fertilizers, alongside educating the youth on regenerative agriculture and insect farming.

Hasina Andriatsitohaina from Madagascar

Business: Mad’Arom
Hasina Andriatsitohaina’s Mad’Arom is championing agroforestry in Madagascar, promoting the cultivation of therapeutic, medicinal, and aromatic plants. By working closely with small-scale producers, this initiative promises a range of quality products, including essential oils and spices, fostering a healthier, prosperous community.

These exceptional entrepreneurs embody the spirit of innovation and sustainability. Their business concepts not only address pressing agricultural challenges in Africa but also showcase the boundless opportunities present in the sector. The GO-GETTAZ Awards continue to fuel this transformative movement, fostering an agricultural revolution spearheaded by passionate, young innovators.


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