Nyabihu District Youths Empowered in Agricultural Training, Spearheaded by Kilimo Trust

Mireille Kazungu, a young woman from Nyabihu District, Rwanda, was one of the 22 young minds who were recently trained in diverse areas of agriculture, thanks to Kilimo Trust

Kigali, Rwanda — 22 young citizens from Nyabihu District have complete an extensive agricultural training program, covering diverse areas ranging from milk handling & processing to poultry. This initiative, driven by the Kilimo Trust, promises to bring forth a generation primed for agricultural innovation and sustainability.

Digital AgInfluencer, Mireille Kazungu, the dynamic co-founder of @Speke_Farms and a resolute advocate for bridging the divide between youth, women, and the ag-value chain through technology, celebrated this milestone through her tweet. Highlighting the promise of these newly trained minds, she declared, “A step towards a brighter agricultural future! #RYESGraduation2023.”

Kazungu’s journey as an agri entrepreneur and digital influencer reflects her passion for food security and agricultural advancement in Rwanda. Leveraging her digital presence, Kazungu has played a pivotal role in not just highlighting but actively participating in agricultural revolutions. Her voice echoes the spirit of modern Rwandan agriculture, where traditional practices seamlessly merge with technological innovations.

The recent graduation in Nyabihu District is just one of the many steps in Rwanda’s path to agricultural journey, spurred by partnerships like the one between Kilimo Trust and influencers like Kazungu. As these 22 graduates return to their communities, they carry with them knowledge, skills, and a vision to revitalize the agricultural landscape of Rwanda.

As the nation watches the progress from this initiative, many are optimistic about the positive ripple effects it will cause. The blend of technology and hands-on training is bound to mold a generation that stands at the cusp of an agrarian revolution, positioning Rwanda as a leader in sustainable farming in the African continent.

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