Modernizing the Tanzanian Fishing Industry: A Billion Tsh Investment Marks a Sustainable Turn

Tanga, Tanzania – In a monumental push to revitalize Tanzania’s fishing sector, the Minister of Livestock and Fisheries, Hon. Abdallah Ulega, presented a fleet of 14 modern fishing boats to local fishermen in Tanga, with a significant investment valued at Tsh. 1.2 billion as promised by President Hon. Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan.

This generous provision, made in a ceremony on November 5, 2023, signals a major leap towards enhancing the productivity and sustainability of the fishing industry in the region.

Boost for Coastal Communities

The Minister underscored the government’s commitment to transforming the lives of fishermen, a vision championed by President Hassan, who has allocated substantial funds to enable productive sectors, including fisheries, to operate more efficiently and effectively. These state-of-the-art vessels, varying in sizes from 7.06 to 14 meters, will be distributed among the councils of Pangani, Mkinga, Muheza, and Tanga City, directly impacting 225 local citizens, comprising 159 men and 66 women.

A Collaborative Effort

The initiative, in collaboration with the Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank (TADB), is set to roll out 160 boats worth Tsh. 11.5 billion in its first phase. This ambitious project is not only a stride in asset provision but also a catalyst for job creation, expected to generate approximately 4,296 new employment opportunities for individuals, groups, and cooperatives involved in the fishing sector.

Vision 2030: Scaling Economic Impact

Minister Ulega articulated the long-term goal: by 2030, the fisheries sector is projected to contribute 10% to the national GDP, a significant increase from the current 1.7%. With President Hassan’s enabling policies, this target is not just a hopeful milestone but an achievable reality.

Sustainable Fishing: A Core Principle

In his address, Minister Ulega also condemned illegal fishing practices and stressed that the newly distributed boats are meant solely for sustainable fishing. The government remains vigilant, ready to enforce legal actions against any form of illegal fishing activities, ensuring that the investment today paves the way for a responsible and prosperous fishing industry tomorrow.

A Sea of Opportunities

  • Sustainable Livelihoods: Empowering local fishermen with modern tools to harness ocean resources sustainably.
  • Economic Growth: With an eye on a tenfold increase in the sector’s GDP contribution, this is an economic transformation in the making.
  • Employment Generation: Direct job creation through this initiative fosters community resilience and economic stability.
  • Environmental Stewardship: A commitment to sustainable practices ensures the longevity of Tanzania’s marine ecosystems.

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