Major Boost for Smallholder Tea Farmers as Kenya Rolls Out Subsidized Fertilizer Program

Mombasa, Kenya – In a move to support smallholder tea farmers, the Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock Development, led by Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi, has initiated the distribution of the second consignment of subsidized fertilizer at the Port of Mombasa.

This substantial shipment, consisting of over 45,000 metric tons (equivalent to 900,000 bags) of fertilizer, is part of a broader strategy to bolster agricultural productivity and affordability in the country. Smallholder tea farmers stand to benefit immensely, as they can now access this fertilizer at a reduced price of Sh,2500 per 50Kg bag at their nearest buying centers. This initiative is seen as a timely intervention amidst the challenges of high market prices for agricultural inputs.

Looking ahead, the Ministry announced ambitious plans for 2024, aiming to distribute a total of 7 million bags of fertilizer during the long and short-rains seasons. This effort will span across various priority value chains, reflecting the government’s commitment to enhancing agricultural output and sustainability.

The focus on affordable fertilizer is part of a broader strategy by the Ministry to ensure that smallholder farmers can continue their operations without the burden of escalating input costs. By making these resources more accessible, the Ministry aims to help farmers produce crops more competitively, sustain agricultural production and productivity, and contribute to the management of the cost of living.

This development is a clear indication of the Kenyan government’s dedication to supporting its agricultural sector, particularly smallholder farmers, who are often the most vulnerable to market fluctuations and input costs. As these efforts unfold, the agricultural community in Kenya looks forward to a period of increased productivity and economic stability.

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