Kilimo Roundtable Africa Urges Tanzanians to Embrace Agricultural Opportunities

The Kilimo Roundtable Africa, a platform promoting collaboration, innovation, and growth in the agricultural sector, has encouraged Tanzanians to seize the diverse opportunities emerging in agriculture both domestically and internationally.

In a statement released today, July 16, 2024, in Dar es Salaam, Kilimo Roundtable CEO Rhoda Mwita affirmed the platform’s commitment to fostering a sustainable and successful agricultural sector in Tanzania and Africa as a whole. She expressed optimism about the future of the sector, stating, “We must confront existing challenges with courage, demonstrating that our commitment is long-term, not just temporary. I believe we can find lasting solutions and showcase our true potential.”

Mwita emphasized that it’s time for Tanzanians to harness the vast potential within the agricultural sector. She highlighted a promising future for Tanzanian youth in agriculture, with millions of opportunities to explore. With the right support and innovation, farmers and agribusinesses can lead the transformation of the economy and ensure food security and sustainability for the entire region.

Rhoda praised the Ministry of Agriculture for its 10/30 Investment Agenda to Accelerate Agricultural Growth in Tanzania. “The 10/30 Investment Agenda and other government agricultural plans have laid the foundation for agricultural transformation in the country. At Kilimo Roundtable, we collaborate with various stakeholders to ensure the effective implementation of these plans. We aim to increase agricultural exports and create new opportunities for high-value crops that can benefit farmers, businesses, and the nation as a whole,” she explained.

“The 10/30 Investment Agenda was launched last week at the Tanzania Food Systems Dialogue and Stakeholder Workshop, organized in partnership with AGRA,” she added.

Speaking about the upcoming 1st Kilimo Roundtable Gala, to be held in Dodoma during the Nane Nane celebrations, Mwita said, “This year’s inaugural Gala, themed ‘Collaboration, Innovation, and Growth to Propel Tanzania to Feed Africa and the World,’ aims to promote Tanzania’s agricultural sector internationally and foster sustainable growth.”

“The Gala will involve all stakeholders in the agricultural value chain, including farmers, agribusinesses, policymakers, investors, and innovators, to come together and collaborate. By showcasing Tanzania’s agricultural potential, promoting investment and partnerships, fostering sustainable practices, and empowering smallholder farmers, the Gala aims to unlock the vast agricultural potential of this nation,” she stated.

“Together, we can achieve success through collaboration, innovation, and unwavering determination. Kilimo Roundtable is our platform, our space to connect, learn, and inspire one another. It’s a place where farmers share their wisdom, innovators showcase their creativity, and policymakers create an environment that supports agricultural growth,” Mwita concluded.

Participants can expect various activities and opportunities at the Kilimo Roundtable Annual Gala. Highlights include the Nane Nane Agricultural Exhibition, keynote speeches and panel discussions, business-to-business networking sessions, capacity-building workshops, cultural entertainment, and cuisine.

The 1st Kilimo Roundtable Gala aims to achieve several key objectives, including showcasing Tanzania’s agricultural potential, promoting investment and partnerships, fostering sustainable agriculture, empowering smallholder farmers, facilitating policy dialogue, launching the Kilimo Roundtable institution, and raising awareness about mental health.

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