Collaborative Peanut Research Initiative Transforms Farming in Nsimbo District, Katavi Region

The joint research effort between the Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) Naliendele and farmers in Nsimbo District has brought significant changes to peanut farming, enhancing its economic potential.

Nsimbo District, Katavi Region – Various farmers and Stephanie Chiza, an Agricultural Extension Officer from Mtapenda Ward, have lauded the inclusive research conducted by TARI Naliendele and local farmers, emphasizing its transformative impact on peanut farming in the district.

Chiza highlighted that peanut farming faced numerous challenges, especially diseases like leaf spot, which discouraged farmers from engaging in commercial cultivation. However, through education and the introduction of new seed varieties, farmers have enthusiastically embraced peanut farming once again.

“Farmers in Mtapenda Ward are determined to return to peanut farming. Three years ago, the situation was disheartening due to prevalent diseases, particularly leaf spots. But with new seed varieties, disease incidence has significantly reduced, and farmers are delighted with the improved yields compared to traditional seeds. I want to express my gratitude to TARI Naliendele for uplifting our economic status,” said Stephanie.

She further explained that the availability of high-quality seeds has transformed peanut farming, ensuring reliable and abundant yields while addressing climate change challenges, including prolonged dry spells.

Due to the improved quality of peanuts produced from these new seed varieties, the market price has risen to 6,000 Tanzanian shillings per kilogram, compared to the lower prices of 4,000 to 2,000 shillings per kilogram for traditional seeds.

James Cheka, a peanut farmer, expressed his satisfaction with the new seed varieties, stating that they have revitalized farming practices by increasing productivity and demonstrating their superiority from the field to harvest.

Juma Mfaume, a peanut researcher from TARI Naliendele, shared the institution’s commitment to revolutionize peanut farming in collaboration with the farmers.

He explained that they have distributed 16 different seed varieties in Nsimbo District, working closely with farmers to identify the most suitable varieties for their specific areas.

Mfaume emphasized the importance of partnering with farmers, as they possess valuable insights into market demands and are the ones responsible for cultivation.

He highlighted the availability of seed varieties with different colors and varying oil contents. Farmers have the opportunity to test and evaluate these seed varieties in demonstration farms to determine the most suitable options for their circumstances.

“We aim to provide farmers with disease-resistant and drought-tolerant seeds. Through this research period, farmers have the chance to experiment with the different seed varieties in demonstration farms and select those that best suit their needs, ultimately promoting a reliable and profitable peanut farming sector,” added Mfaume.

The collaborative efforts between TARI Naliendele and the farmers of Nsimbo District have revitalised peanut farming and contributed to the region’s economic development. The research initiative continues to empower farmers with improved seed varieties, leading to increased yields and improved livelihoods within the peanut farming communities.

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