Broadening Horizons: Minister Bashe Spotlights Agricultural Trade Opportunities as SAGCOT Evolves into AGCOT

Tanzania’s Agricultural Growth: SAGCOT’s Strategic Expansion Plan to Agriculture Growth Corridors of Tanzania (AGCOT)

Dodoma, Tanzania – In a bid to propel Tanzania’s agricultural sector to new heights, the Minister of Agriculture, Honorable Hussein Bashe (MP), engaged in a pivotal meeting organized by The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) on April 19th, 2024. Hosted at Morena Hotel in the capital city, Dodoma, the gathering was aimed at crafting a comprehensive strategy to extend SAGCOT’s initiatives into other agricultural regions across the nation, fostering sustained growth and development in the sector.

Addressing the assembly, Minister Bashe emphasized the multifaceted nature of agricultural production, stressing its significance for sustenance and as a robust economic endeavour. “We produce crops not just for consumption but for commerce as well. Hence, it is imperative to analyze the entire economy spectrum, aligning land use with crop cultivation, climate change adaptations, and productivity based on regional characteristics,” he articulated.

Furthermore, he advocated using research centres as hubs for conducting thorough analyses to synchronize agricultural zones. These analyses would consider regions specializing in specific crops, seed production areas, productivity metrics, economic contributions, employment opportunities, market access, and capital investments. “We must devise a long-term plan, perhaps 10 or 20 years. This will provide a roadmap delineating regions of high, medium, and low production potential, as well as the practicality of investments tailored to each region,” Minister Bashe emphasized.

In response, Mr. Geoffrey Kirenga, the CEO of SAGCOT, reassured Minister Bashe of their commitment to aligning with his directives. He pledged to broaden the scope of research and solicit additional feedback from stakeholders to ensure the strategic plan’s efficacy in bolstering the agricultural sector. “Per your guidance, this plan will evolve into the Agriculture Growth Corridors of Tanzania. Once finalized, we eagerly anticipate your presence for its inauguration,” Mr. Kirenga added.

This collaborative effort encompasses various stakeholders from governmental and private institutions, international organizations, farmers, and entrepreneurs within the agricultural value chain. By pooling expertise and resources, SAGCOT and its partners aim to catalyze sustainable agrarian development across Tanzania, unlocking the nation’s immense farm potential and fostering socio-economic prosperity for its citizens.


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