AGRA Announces Rebrand to Align with New Strategic Focus on Sustainably Growing Africa’s Food Systems

AGRA (formerly known as Alliance for Green Revolution) is pleased to announce an important update concerning our organization’s name change. This rebrand aligns with our new strategy, which will be our roadmap for future success for African farmers, centered around Sustainably Growing Africa’s Food Systems.

For over 15 years, AGRA has been at the forefront of driving agricultural transformation and ensuring sustainable food security across the African continent. Our decision to rebrand reflects our unwavering commitment to enhancing impact, improving engagement, and aligning more effectively with our strategic objectives.

Some media outlets continue to refer to our organization as the Alliance for Green Revolution. In this regard, we kindly request your cooperation in updating your references to reflect our new name, AGRA, in all future coverage.

We value the important role that the media plays in disseminating accurate information to the public and recognize the significance of accurate naming conventions. We, therefore, kindly ask that you ensure the appropriate adjustments are made to your coverage going forward.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support in communicating our mission to foster sustainable growth in Africa’s food systems. For further inquiries or clarification regarding AGRA’s rebranding, please contact:

We sincerely appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to continuing a mutually productive relationship with you.

About AGRA
Founded in 2006, AGRA, formerly known as the Alliance for Green Revolution, is an African-led, African-based organization that seeks to catalyse agriculture transformation in Africa. AGRA is focused on putting smallholder farmers at the center of the continent’s growing economy by transforming agriculture from a solitary struggle to survive into farming as a business that thrives. As the sector that employs the majority of Africa’s people, nearly all of them small-scale farmers, AGRA recognizes that developing smallholder agriculture into a productive, efficient, and sustainable system is essential to ensuring food security, lifting millions out of poverty, and driving equitable growth across the continent.

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