Africa Unites in Nairobi for Landmark Soil Health Summit

The Kenyatta International Conference Centre in Nairobi, Kenya, is set to host a pivotal conference – The Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health (AFSH) Summit 2023, taking place from the 5th to 7th of November.

The Big Picture:
The AFSH Summit aims to address Africa’s mounting challenges regarding declining soil health, a pressing issue that has persisted over recent decades. This decline has detrimentally impacted agricultural productivity, food security, economic growth, and the general well-being of the continent’s largely agrarian communities.

Key Events and Participants:
The summit will kick off with a high-level session graced by African Union Heads of State and Governments. Alongside them, the Chairperson of the AU and the AU Commission will also deliver addresses. Media attendees can anticipate a series of opportunities including interviews, group photos, and insights from other esteemed guests.

The conference will see a vibrant mix of participants: from African Heads of State, government officials, and policy makers to representatives from the private sector, civil society organizations, farmer groups, NGOs, scholars, scientists, and leading donor agencies.

Major Takeaways:
With an aim to pivot the focus on soil health and sustainable agricultural practices, outcomes of the summit include:

  1. The Nairobi Declaration
  2. A strategic 10-year Action Plan
  3. The Soil Initiative for Africa (SIA)
  4. Financial mechanisms for post-summit action plan implementation.

A Look Back:
The backdrop of this summit can be traced back to the Abuja Declaration of 2006. Despite its intent, Africa has seen significant evolutions in its agricultural narrative and the fertilizer market. With an evident decline in soil health over the years, the need for sustainable soil management has gained paramount importance, making the 2023 summit’s objectives more critical than ever.

Media Accreditation:
Journalists looking to cover the event can register here.

Contact Information:
For more details on the event, reach out to:

This summit marks a significant stride in Africa’s journey towards reclaiming its soil health and fortifying its agricultural potential. With an assemblage of the continent’s top leaders and thinkers, the AFSH Summit 2023 promises to chart a course towards a greener, more sustainable future for Africa.

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