15th Africa Food Systems Forum in Kigali: Agricultural Transformation for a Sustainable Future

Juma Msafiri

The Africa Food Systems Forum (AFS Forum) 2024, held in Kigali, Rwanda, from September 2 to 6, 2024, represents a significant turning point in Africa’s journey toward sustainable agricultural transformation. Formerly known as the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF), this 15th edition marks a critical evolution in the forum’s mission and scope. The rebranding to the AFS Forum reflects a broader vision for holistic food systems transformation, focusing not just on agricultural productivity but on the entire spectrum of food systems from production to consumption, ensuring they are inclusive, resilient, and sustainable.

Historical Context and Rebranding

Since its inception in 2010, the AGRF has been a vital platform for driving agricultural innovation, collaboration, and policy development across Africa. Initially focused on boosting agricultural productivity and improving farming practices, the forum quickly gained recognition as the continent’s leading event for promoting agricultural development. Over the years, the forum has brought together diverse stakeholders—including government leaders, private sector representatives, researchers, and civil society organizations—to discuss and formulate strategies to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability.

In 2023, the forum was rebranded as the Africa Food Systems Forum (AFS Forum) to better align with its expanded mission. This rebranding represents a deeper recognition of the interconnected nature of food systems and the need for a more integrated approach to addressing the continent’s challenges. The AFS Forum now aims to create food systems catering to all Africans’ diverse needs, promoting inclusivity, resilience, and sustainability. This holistic focus aligns with global trends emphasizing comprehensive food system approaches that consider all aspects—from production and processing to distribution and consumption—while minimizing waste and environmental impact.

AFS Forum 2024: Theme and Focus

The theme for the AFS Forum 2024, “Innovate, Accelerate, and Scale: Delivering Food Systems Transformation in a Digital and Climate Era,” underscores the urgency for innovative solutions to address the twin challenges of climate change and digital transformation in agriculture. As climate variability increasingly threatens agricultural productivity and food security, the forum seeks to highlight groundbreaking policies, financing mechanisms, and business models that can revolutionize the food and agriculture sectors across the continent.

This year’s forum will focus on leveraging digital technologies to enhance agricultural productivity and efficiency. Technologies such as precision agriculture, artificial intelligence, blockchain for supply chain transparency, and mobile platforms for market access are seen as critical tools for modernizing agriculture and building resilience against climate-related shocks. The forum will also explore how these technologies can be scaled to benefit smallholder farmers, who are often the most vulnerable to climate change and market fluctuations.

Strategic Objectives and Significance

With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Malabo Declaration deadline approaching, transforming African food systems has never been more critical. The AFS Forum 2024 aims to catalyze this transformation by focusing on several strategic objectives:

  • Promoting Innovative Science and Policies: The forum will showcase innovative policy approaches and scientific advancements that can drive sustainable agricultural practices, enhance food security, and improve nutrition across the continent.
  • Leveraging Digital Technologies: Digital innovation will be a core focus, with sessions dedicated to exploring how new technologies can be harnessed to improve agricultural productivity, reduce food loss and waste, and enhance supply chain efficiencies.
  • Scaling Investments: A key goal of the forum is to explore new models for scaling investments in agriculture, particularly those that can attract private sector involvement and foster inclusive growth. This includes discussions on de-risking the agricultural sector to make it more attractive to investors, especially young entrepreneurs and women.
  • Building Resilience Against Climate Change: Recognizing the profound impact of climate change on agriculture, the forum will explore strategies for building resilience in food systems. This includes promoting climate-smart agricultural practices, enhancing water and soil management, and developing sustainable farming methods that reduce environmental impact while improving productivity.

Key Highlights and Activities

The AFS Forum 2024 will convene over 5,000 delegates from various sectors, providing a rich platform for dialogue, knowledge exchange, and collaboration. The event features a diverse program of activities designed to foster actionable dialogue and peer learning:

  • Pre-Summit Activities (September 2, 2024): A series of workshops, side events, and exhibitions focused on innovation and digital solutions for food systems transformation will set the stage for the main summit. These pre-summit activities are aimed at engaging participants in interactive sessions that provide practical insights and tools for driving change in their respective contexts.
  • Main Summit (September 3-6, 2024): The main summit will feature plenary sessions, thematic discussions, leadership exchanges, and interactive workshops. Key sessions will include:
    • Policy and Agenda Setting: These sessions will focus on reviewing progress toward food systems transformation, highlighting successful policies and practices, and renewing political, policy, and investment commitments.
    • Investment Facilitation & Finance: Discussions will explore innovative financing models designed to attract investment from both public and private sectors. The forum will highlight examples of successful partnerships and investment strategies that have driven agricultural growth and transformation.
    • Knowledge Sharing: Dedicated sessions will provide platforms for sharing the latest research, data, and technological advancements in food systems. These sessions aim to disseminate best practices and promote the adoption of proven solutions across different contexts.
    • Technological Advancements: A showcase of cutting-edge technologies and scalable solutions will address global and local food challenges. This will include presentations on digital agriculture tools, climate-smart technologies, and innovations in sustainable food production and supply chain management.

Leadership and Vision

The leadership of Rwanda, under President Paul Kagame and Prime Minister Dr. Edouard Ngirente, has been instrumental in hosting this transformative event. Rwanda’s approach to agricultural innovation and policy-making serves as a model for other African countries. Under President Kagame’s leadership, Rwanda has prioritized agricultural development as a key driver of economic growth, focusing on innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity.

Prime Minister Ngirente has emphasized the importance of making agriculture a powerful engine for economic development. By embracing innovation and making evidence-based policy decisions, Rwanda aims to de-risk the agricultural sector and make it more attractive to youth and private sector actors. The focus on youth and women is particularly significant, as they are seen as key drivers of innovation and entrepreneurship in agriculture and food systems across the continent.

Building a Resilient Future

The AFS Forum 2024 is not just about discussing challenges; it is about forging a path toward a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable future for African food systems. By championing policies that prioritize local needs and contexts, the forum aims to bolster local food production, reduce reliance on imports, and build resilience against climate-related shocks. The emphasis on local solutions and community-based approaches is particularly important in a continent as diverse as Africa, where different regions face unique challenges and opportunities.

The forum will also explore ways to enhance local food production and reduce reliance on imports, thereby boosting food security and fostering economic development. By promoting sustainable agricultural practices and encouraging the adoption of climate-smart technologies, the forum aims to build resilience against climate-related shocks and stresses, ensuring that African food systems can adapt to a changing environment.The Africa Food Systems Forum 2024 in Kigali represents a crucial step forward in Africa’s journey toward achieving sustainable and resilient food systems. By fostering collaboration, promoting innovation, and sharing knowledge, the forum seeks to unlock the potential for widespread food systems transformation across the continent. This reimagined approach aims to build a future where African agriculture is not only more productive but also more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient.

As Africa moves closer to key milestones like the SDGs and the Malabo Declaration deadline, the AFS Forum 2024 provides a vital platform for taking stock of progress, identifying gaps, and charting a strategic direction for the future. With strong leadership, a focus on innovation, and a commitment to inclusivity, the forum is well-positioned to drive the changes needed to build a more food-secure and prosperous Africa.

For more information and to register for the summit, please visit the official AFS Forum website. The future of African agriculture depends on the actions taken today, and the AFS Forum 2024 offers a unique opportunity to shape that future for the better. Join us in Kigali as we work together to define a new era of food systems transformation across the continent.

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