TZSoya Part 2: Farmers’ Optimism: Plans to Expand Soya Production Reporter

The future of soybean (soya) production in Tanzania is promising, with many farmers expressing optimism about increasing their yields and expanding cultivation areas. The Tanzania Sustainable Soybean Initiative (TSSI) Baseline Report provides valuable insights into farmers’ sentiments, their future plans, and the factors driving their optimism. This article explores these aspects, highlighting the positive outlook of Tanzanian farmers towards soya production.

Bright Future for Soya Production

According to the TSSI Baseline Report, over 85% of farmers believe in a bright future for soya production in Tanzania. This optimism is fueled by several factors, including the rising demand for soya products, support from agricultural organizations, and potential market opportunities both domestically and internationally.

Expansion Plans for Soya Farming

A significant number of farmers have concrete plans to expand their soya production areas within the next 2–5 years. Specifically:

  • Expansion Intentions: More than 48% of farmers intend to increase their soya production areas. This planned expansion reflects the confidence farmers have in the profitability and sustainability of soya farming.
  • Production Increase: In addition to expanding their cultivation areas, many farmers aim to increase their overall production levels. This dual approach ensures that more land will be dedicated to soya, and existing lands will be used more efficiently to boost output.

Factors Driving Optimism in Soya Production

Several key factors contribute to the positive outlook of Tanzanian farmers regarding soya production:

  • Growing Demand for Soya: The demand for soya and its products is rising, driven by increasing incomes, urbanization, and greater awareness of the nutritional benefits of soya.
  • Supportive Policies and Programs: Government initiatives and programs by agricultural organizations provide necessary support and resources to farmers. These include training on best practices, provision of high-quality seeds, and access to markets.
  • Market Opportunities: While most soya produced is consumed domestically, there is significant export potential to neighboring East African countries, opening up additional revenue streams for farmers.
  • Technological Advancements in Soya Farming: The adoption of improved seed varieties and farming techniques has led to higher yields and better quality crops, further encouraging farmers to invest in soya production.

Challenges to Address in Soya Production

Despite the overall optimism, farmers still face several challenges that need to be addressed to fully realize the potential of soya production:

  • Market Reliability: Many farmers cite the lack of reliable markets as a major challenge. Improving market access and stability is crucial for sustaining farmer confidence.
  • Access to Quality Seeds: Access to quality seeds remains an issue, with 23% of farmers reporting difficulties in obtaining high-quality planting materials.
  • Climate Variability: Climate-related challenges, such as irregular rainfall and extreme weather events, affect soya production. Developing climate-resilient farming practices is essential.
  • Access to Financial Services: Limited access to financial services hampers the ability of farmers to invest in necessary inputs and expand their operations.


The optimism among Tanzanian farmers regarding soya production is a positive sign for the sector’s future. With plans to expand production areas and increase yields, the soya sector in Tanzania is poised for significant growth. However, addressing challenges related to market reliability, seed quality, climate variability, and financial services is crucial for sustaining this momentum.

Future articles in this series will explore other aspects of soya production, including market dynamics, agronomic practices, and policy recommendations to support the growth and sustainability of the soya sector in Tanzania.

Source: Tanzania Sustainable Soybean Initiative. (2023). Baseline Report of the Tanzanian Soybean Sub-Sector. Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT).

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