Avocado Pavilion: A Must-Visit at Nane Nane Dodoma 2024

Dodoma, Tanzania

The annual Nane Nane Agricultural Expo 2024, set to take place in Dodoma, will feature the Avocado Pavilion, a special highlight organized by AFRIFARM in collaboration with the SAGCOT Centre. The event poster spotlights Her Excellency Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of the United Republic of Tanzania, and Hon. Hussein Bashe, Minister of Agriculture. Under the theme “Visionary Leadership for Agricultural Transformation,” the event poster spotlights the leading pillars of agriculture transformation leadership in Tanzania.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Afrifarm, and SAGCOT have organized the Avocado Pavilion to highlight the significant strides in Tanzania’s avocado industry. The pavilion will showcase innovations, best practices, and market opportunities for avocado farmers and stakeholders. Exhibitors will present their products, services, and technological advancements that support the avocado value chain.

Key Participants

The pavilion will feature various prominent organizations and companies, including:


The Avocado Pavilion will focus on:

  1. Showcasing Innovations: Highlighting new technologies and practices in avocado farming and processing.
  2. Market Expansion: Creating networking opportunities for local and international markets.
  3. Sustainability Practices: Promoting sustainable agricultural practices to improve yield and quality.
  4. Knowledge Sharing: Providing educational sessions and workshops led by experts in the field.

Importance of the Event

Nane Nane, held annually on August 8th, is a significant event in Tanzania’s agricultural calendar. It provides a unique opportunity for farmers, agribusinesses, policymakers, and researchers to exchange ideas, explore new technologies, and establish partnerships to advance Tanzania’s agricultural sector.

This year’s Avocado Pavilion underscores the importance of the avocado industry in contributing to the nation’s economy and improving livelihoods. By bringing together key stakeholders, the pavilion aims to foster growth and innovation within the sector, ensuring that Tanzania remains at the forefront of avocado production and exportation.

The SAGCOT Avocado Value Chain Partnership in Tanzania: A Model for Economic Growth and Nutritional Enhancement

Improving nutrition and food security: The partnership prioritizes enhancing nutrition and food security in Tanzania by promoting avocado consumption. Avocados, rich in healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, are valuable to the local diet, addressing nutritional deficiencies and improving overall health outcomes.

Strengthening the entire value chain for economic growth: SAGCOT focuses on strengthening each link in the avocado value chain, from cultivation to consumption. This holistic approach includes:

  • Empowering smallholder farmers: Providing training and resources to improve farming practices, increase yields, and ensure sustainable production.
  • Developing processing infrastructure: Investing in processing facilities to add value to avocados, create new products, and extend shelf life.
  • Enhancing market access involves facilitating connections between farmers and markets, promoting fair trade practices, and expanding export opportunities.
  • Building capacity: Training and skill development for stakeholders across the value chain to improve efficiency, quality, and competitiveness.

Stimulating local consumption and regional trade: By encouraging avocado consumption within Tanzania , the partnership aims to create a robust domestic market, reduce reliance on imports, and foster regional trade, contributing to economic growth and poverty reduction.

Promoting environmental sustainability and resilience: SAGCOT integrates sustainability principles throughout the value chain, emphasizing responsible land and water use, minimizing environmental impact, and building resilience to climate change, ensuring the long-term viability of the avocado industry.

Creating a competitive and inclusive avocado industry: The partnership aims to establish Tanzania as a global player in the avocado market by developing a strong, diversified, and inclusive industry that benefits smallholder farmers, creates jobs, generates income, and contributes to national economic development.

Economic Impact: The SAGCOT avocado value chain partnership has the potential to generate significant economic benefits for Tanzania. These include increased farmer incomes, job creation, foreign exchange earnings through exports, and overall economic growth by developing a thriving agricultural sector.

Social Impact: By improving nutrition and food security, the partnership contributes to improved health outcomes, reduced poverty, and enhanced livelihoods for rural communities involved in the avocado value chain.

The SAGCOT avocado value chain partnership represents a comprehensive and integrated approach to agricultural development in Tanzania. By addressing nutritional needs, promoting economic growth, and ensuring environmental sustainability, this initiative models how public-private partnerships can drive positive change in the agricultural sector and contribute to broader socioeconomic development goals.


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